Cream of Garlic Soup


5 heads of garlic. 

2 onions 

Chop & smash, or process in food processor. Place in heavy pot. Saute over low to medium heat in


until onion is translucent, stirring constantly. Do not let garlic brown. Add

6 c chicken broth

1 bay leaf

1/2 tsp rosemary in cheesecloth

Simmer about 20 minutes, stirring often.  Add

1/2 loaf sourdough French bread, sliced, with crust

Simmer until bread is very soft. Remove bay leaf and rosemary. Puree in blender or food processor. Strain. Stir in

1/2 pint whipping cream

Rewarm  but do not boil. Serve immediately. 


Author: Marta Randall

I was born in 1948 in Mexico DF, Mexico, but have lived in the United States since infancy. I have taught in several sf writing workshops and served in Science Fiction Writers of America as vice-president 1981-1982 and president 1982-1984. My first story was published in New Worlds 5 (1973).

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